
Archive for the ‘St. Louis Business’ Category

From Bad News to Worse

In St. Louis Business on February 25, 2010 at 7:37 pm

Posted for discussion on the SLSBMG Linked In page is an article written by Alan Reynolds a senior fellow at the CATO Institute and the author of Income and Wealth, “The ‘Stimulus’ Actually Raised Unemployment” gleans its conclusion from the figures published from the Congressional Budget Office.

The CATO Instiute is a nonpartisan economic and constitutional think tank. For a CATO senior fellow to draw this conclusion from the accounting data about the effects of the “Stimulus” spending is an eye opening experience. This is clearly not what any American sends any elected representative to Washington for.

Clearly partisan regulation is damaging the economy. This clearly demonstates how harnful the current HealthCare regulation passed before Scott Brown was elected is for our economy. It should not be considered for the simple majority reconciliation process.

Feedback from May Meeting Welcome

In Small Business Meeting on May 20, 2009 at 1:50 pm

   We will be setting up the June meeting in a few days. In the meantime we welcome feedback on the May St. Louis Small Business Meetup May 19, 2009.  We are trying to make sure that the networking environment and the information shared is pertinent and appropriate. Also please let us know if you can speak on a subject that would be helpful to the group. 

   Check back as we hope to post pertinent information here on our blog and create a dialogue with members though comments and postings.

St. Louis Small Business Meetup Group Welcomes You

In St. Louis Business on May 7, 2009 at 5:57 am


Cropped STSBMGIf you own a small business or are thinking of starting a small business this is the group for you. Small business is the engine that will lead this country out of recession.

Small business owners wear many hats and it is hard to do everything we need to do. By pooling our resources and knowledge we can leverage our talents to grow and make our businesses more profitable. From sharing experiences to investigating new technologies, this group shall be dedicated to forming networks amongst business professionals in closely related fields and not so closely related fields for greater market exposure.

Come to learn and come to share. 

Small Business Members Featured This Month

In St. Louis Business, St.. Louis Small Business Member on May 7, 2009 at 5:54 am


John Beidle, Owner, 1040 Wealth Designs

John Beidle, Owner, 1040 Wealth Designs

John Beidle is the owner of 1040 Wealth Designs.

The #1 Mistake most taxpayers make is failing to have a tax plan.  Large Corporations spend millions of dollars per year on tax planning. The super affluent spend similar amounts for these same consultations.

Don’t you believe you should be entitled to the same level of qualified tax planning?

  • Do you believe you are spending the least amount legally possible on your taxes?
  • When was the last time your accountant said to you “Hey, I’ve got an idea that could save you thousands on your taxes?”
  • Do you feel lost, rushed, worried or lacking good consultation tax season after tax season?

If you are looking for a better strategy to help with life’s largest obligation 1040 Wealth Designs was designed for you. Because chances are – You are paying too much in Taxes – and you can’t afford not to do everything legally possible to pay the least amount possible. 

Reach out to John Beidle at 314.496-3432 or