
From Bad News to Worse

In St. Louis Business on February 25, 2010 at 7:37 pm

Posted for discussion on the SLSBMG Linked In page is an article written by Alan Reynolds a senior fellow at the CATO Institute and the author of Income and Wealth, “The ‘Stimulus’ Actually Raised Unemployment” gleans its conclusion from the figures published from the Congressional Budget Office.

The CATO Instiute is a nonpartisan economic and constitutional think tank. For a CATO senior fellow to draw this conclusion from the accounting data about the effects of the “Stimulus” spending is an eye opening experience. This is clearly not what any American sends any elected representative to Washington for.

Clearly partisan regulation is damaging the economy. This clearly demonstates how harnful the current HealthCare regulation passed before Scott Brown was elected is for our economy. It should not be considered for the simple majority reconciliation process.

SLSBMG in the News!

In Uncategorized on February 24, 2010 at 3:04 am

The St. Louis Small Business Meetup was featured by Steve Giegerich of the St. Louis Post Dispatch. The article “Small Businesses slow to hire” is about the provision in the latest jobs bill that would give small business owners a break on the employer’s side of social security and medicare contributions for hiring an unemployed worker.

Jordan Kimberg of and John Beidle of 1040 Wealth Designs, LLC received substantive quotes as to the benefit and impact on hiring desisions of this latest piece of economic stimulus. This piece of legislation passed the US Senate today.

Details of how to qualify as an eligible small business, how to qualify a potential employee and how to implement this for your payroll if you do hire an employee will be coming after the President signs this latest spending bill into law.

The Kirkwood restaurant mentioned as the place for the Feb. 16th meeting was Amici’s. Will Aschinger of Hilliker Corporation was featured in the photo with John Beidle of 1040 Wealth Designs, LLC taken during a tax planning session.

October 20 Meetup – Trust Relationship Building

In Uncategorized on October 4, 2009 at 10:16 pm

Ron Lares of Gift Incentive Programs will be presenting. The focus of his presentation will be-

1. How do Gifts establish trust relationships to further you business.
2. How do you increase your 2009 business volume between now and Dec 31.
3. Stats on why gifts work in business.
4. Why are family and friends important to all of us.

Ron will have a drawing for a $32.00 gift card, to be donated to someone in the group at lunch.