
From Bad News to Worse

In St. Louis Business on February 25, 2010 at 7:37 pm

Posted for discussion on the SLSBMG Linked In page is an article written by Alan Reynolds a senior fellow at the CATO Institute and the author of Income and Wealth, “The ‘Stimulus’ Actually Raised Unemployment” gleans its conclusion from the figures published from the Congressional Budget Office.

The CATO Instiute is a nonpartisan economic and constitutional think tank. For a CATO senior fellow to draw this conclusion from the accounting data about the effects of the “Stimulus” spending is an eye opening experience. This is clearly not what any American sends any elected representative to Washington for.

Clearly partisan regulation is damaging the economy. This clearly demonstates how harnful the current HealthCare regulation passed before Scott Brown was elected is for our economy. It should not be considered for the simple majority reconciliation process.

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